1968 Thom Carlton
1969 Thom Carlton
1970 Thom Carlton
1971 Thom Carlton
1972 Millard Williams
1973 John Gross
1974 John Gross
1983 Judy Taylor
1984 Susie Wright
1985 Richard Gorman
1986 June Stange
1987 Roger Dietz
1988 Linda Zadach
1989 Ann Knight
1990 Gail Foy
1991 Terry Davis Cooper
1992 Jean Van Buskirk
1993 Craig Meyer
1994 Dana Hix
1995 Teresa Barker
1996 Franklin Williams
1997 Kay Woodcock
1998 Ann Carroll
1999 Teresa Barker
2000 Cookie Johnson
2001 Cookie Johnson
2002 Terry Sherman
2003 Marlene Buhler
2004 Ann Arrants
2005 Vicky Decker
2006 Patti Wainright
2007 Tracey Burdette
2008 Lauren Fowler
2009 Chris Vogler
2010 Tracey Burdette
2011 Tracey Burdette
2012 Lisa Lively
2013 Marlene Buhler
2014 Julie Kelly-Jones
2015 Julie Kelly-Jones
2016 Lynn Clifton
2017 Tracey Burdette
2018 - Kelly Ambrose
2019 Ivy Eilerman
2020 Briag Coghill
2021 Jarad Brown
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